Handle With Care: Oklahoma

Feb. 23, 2021: Behavioral Health Aide Spring Conference

Registration Link:

This conference will provide current trauma-informed research-based interventions, strategies and informative materials to individuals in the role of Behavioral Health Aides in Oklahoma. There will be a special focus on application in real-world secondary educational settings such as early childhood school based programs, elementary, middle and high schools. This event will feature interactive peer driven activities, guided practice and discussion.

Participants will receive training on current brain science and trauma research that can be applied to children, especially in educational settings. They will also learn key strategies that can utilize the trauma informed approach of working with behaviorally challenged children and youth through the Collaborative & Proactive Solutions (CPS) model within the existing educational framework of: the Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Supports (OTISS) and Positive Behavioral Intervention and Supports (PBIS). Breakouts will also feature key tools/activities for age appropriate engagement, motivational interviewing techniques for work with children and teens, embedded use of the PBIS incentives systems within student plans and school MDT teams as well as how to use data to build a student profile based on obtained facts, observations and motivational interviewing to accelerate student success.