Handle With Care: Oklahoma

Family Resource Centers- Overview

Family Resource Center

In partnership with the National Family Support Network, the Oklahoma State Department of Health, and the Oklahoma Family Support Network, we are promoting positive outcomes for all children, families, and communities by leveraging the collective impact of statewide networks and championing quality family support and strengthening practices and policies.

Family Resource Centers (FRCs) are the most typical kind of Family Support and Strengthening programs. They are known by many different names across the country, including Family Centers, Family Success Centers, Family Support Centers, and Parent Child Centers. They may be community-based or school-based.  They serve as welcoming hubs of community services and opportunities designed to strengthen families. Their activities and programs, typically provided at no or low cost to participants, are developed to reflect and be responsive to the specific needs, cultures, and interests of the communities and populations served.  There is not a single source of funding for FRCs, so it provides the opportunity to braid federal, state, county, and private funding to benefit local communities.  There are more than 3,000 of them nationwide.


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