Handle With Care: Oklahoma

Peer Support Groups Overview

Peer Support Groups Overview

Three Principles to Improve Outcomes from Harvard’s Center on the Developing Child

Target Audience: 
Children and families experiencing instability.
Peer support groups (PSGs) aim to provide a safe and healing environment for children, youth, caregivers, and/or adults to reduce sources of stress, support responsive relationships, and strengthen core skills. 
Handle With Care Oklahoma recognizes peer support groups as a critical interagency effort to strengthen families and communities.
HWC-OK and our public partner, Oklahoma Health Care Authority, encourages frontline staff who work with youth/families and community partners to refer, establish or sustain peer support groups together to meet this growing need and incorporate measuring “socio-ecological drivers of health” as a shared outcome.
HWC-OK encourages SDOH assessments that show a continuum of progress (scale of 1 to 5), such as the Stability Scale Assessment, as families are connected to resources, build core skills, and strengthen well-being.